Have you ever thought the baking process of beautiful and fluffy vegan cakes that are lined up in the bakery? Well, cake baking is a skill. As a beginner, with thousands of vegan eggless cakes Melbourne recipes available online, it may be a bit confusing to choose the one that’s suitable for you. But, we suggest you try the simplest recipe by following our tips so that you can bake a cake that is fluffy, perfectly-baked, and sweet-smelling.

When baking a cake, there are many simple things that you can do to get a perfectly finished cake. So, we are here to help you on your quest to make a perfect cake.

Baking Rules You Must Follow

Use Fresh Ingredients

Choose the right pan

Also, grease the pan with butter or oil

Place the pan in the centre of the oven for easy viewing

Always keep the oven low temperature than turning it high

Prepare Your Ingredients

Whether it’s a simple vanilla cake or a chocolate cake, the first step you want to do is get the ingredients ready, and keep it near you. If you had stored the items in the refrigerator, make sure to them to take them out, and allow it to subside in the room temperature. This helps to make the process faster and also makes the ingredients to blend well. A smooth batter will bring out a fluffy and soft cake, so ensure the keep the items ready before you start.

Preheat The Oven

The next step is pre-heat the oven, well some may think it’s a waste of electricity, but it helps to cut down the baking time, and also help to prep up the ingredients fast. By doing this, the oven will come to the correct temperature; by the time you’re ready to bake the cake.

Choose The Right Method

Well, this may be hard for you to determine, So we have listed different cakes and its cake methods for you to bake it right.

Mud cakes- Mix the flour and vegan buttermilk along with melted ingredients

Sponge Cakes- Add the wet ingredients along with the dry before adding buttermilk

Butter Cakes - Cream it butter and maple syrup and then add the vegan milk


Generally, cake recipes will stay a temperature of 180C, but we suggest you keep it between 150-160C, keeping the low temperature will evenly bake the cake than at a high temperature. Sometimes, it turns the top as brown, but the inside will remain uncooked.

How To Check The Baked Cake?

As a beginner, you may be thrilled to check whether your cake is thoroughly baked. In this case, use a toothpick to poke your cake, if it comes out with tiny crumbs, you can be assured that your cake is finely cooked, you can also use your fingertip to touch the middle of the cake and if it springs back, it is completely cooked.

If you follow these steps, you can make a fresh, fluffy and sweet-smelling cake in an hour.

Want to enjoy freshly made vegan cakes at the comfort of your home, order from Isher Eggless Bakers and get your cake delivered to you. For cake orders, call +61 1300 447 437 today.  

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